Disegna una scacchiera
Questo script permette di generare una scacchiera:
<% dim strFondo strFondo="" dim intVolta intVolta=1 response.write("<table width=""160"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"">") for ctInd=1 to 8 response.write("<TR>") if( intVolta mod 2 = 0 ) then strFondo="#00FF99" else strFondo="#FF0000" end if for ctInd2=1 to 8 response.write("<td width=""20"" height=""20"" bgcolor="""&strFondo&""">&nbsp;</td>") if(strFondo="#00FF99") then strFondo="#FF0000" else strFondo="#00FF99" end if next response.write("</tr>") intVolta=intVolta + 1 next response.write("<table>") %>
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