Halloween Costume
There are many commercial costumes available at the local stores, however between the cost, and lack of imagination, and the fact you end up with a half dozen kids all looking the same at a party. Nothing beats homemade. Below is some basic ideas for you to play with. All are cheap, easy, and allow for tons of imagination. By the way if you have an idea to add please feel free to send it in. Do it in tights & leotards or Sweats - Costumes made from boxes - Costumes for Chair Users - Homemade Make-up - Links Costumes from the closet or second-hand store The
old stand by a Ghost:
Grab a old white sheet, cut out the eyes. Be sure its is short enough
to trip you. Take scrap piece of sheet, and sew up a simple treat
bag. Clown: Sweet clothes that are too large. Decorate by using either fabric paint, or markers. For those who dare try tie-die. Tack on some large pop-poms, add a cheap wig, hat, and make-up. You may also stuff the extra space in clothing with tissue. However this could be messy, if you need to make a "pit-stop". Scarecrow: Over sized flannel shirt, faded blue jeans with patches, rope for belt and to tie at the cuffs of his jeans and sleeves, stuff the shirt and jeans with plastic grocery, or paper, a little bit of straw to hang out of jeans and shirt. Add a little bit of make-up. The
American tourist:
Guys loud Hawaii shirt, shorts (if weather permits), Large straw hat.
bright loud dress, flats, big sun hat, straw bag. Don't forget to have
a camera, and maps hanging out, and that look of being lost. Guys
can use a tourist bag, (like you get from travel agents, and gals can
the straw bag for their treats. 1960s Hippy: This one is hard, after all its all back in style! What is real, and what is costume? ;-) Tie die clothing, long wig (in the old days we called a "fall", sandals, headband, anything with fringe on it (vests, purse...) light colored sun glasses. Old man: Dark paints (cuffed), and jacket, most any dress shirt, mans flannel hat, walking cane. Gray the hair, with any of the commercial temporary colors, or dust with a little flour. Old woman: Old style dress, just below knee, knee-hi stockings rolled down a little, oxfords, large black purse. Your chance to be a real nerd. Slick back the hair, grab some paints that are too short, white shirt, white socks, penny loafers, or lace up oxfords, pocket protector, with lots of pens, dark rim glasses (don't forget to tape the corner, or at least paper clip it) briefcase, or backpack for treat bag. From our guests: Japanese Doll: My daughter won with this costume! Her face was painted white, she had red rosy cheeeks all shaped in a circle, Hair in buns, thoung slippers, and a kimono. From Lani S. Miss.
America Soda pop can: Use a round barrel, cut a hole in the bottom. You cut holes for arms and your head. Paint it the colors of a pop can. Presto! You have a pop can!!! - from Ann Static
Cling 1950’s
“Sock-Hopper” Mummy
the Hunchback
of Notre Dame Pirate
Crash test dummy - After! There is a commercial costume for this, but a good one can be made with sweats and tape to make the markings on it like the crash test dummies. Use bandages and fake blood to decorate. Fashion a seat belt out of webbing and an old buckle and pin in place. (or go to a junk yard as ask for an old seatbelt). From: Chris Train
Engineer Mother Nature
With a little thought you may come up lots of ideas that make the chair a natural part of the costume. Here are a few ideas to get you started. King or Queen on Throne Convert chair into a throne, by wrapping the back and arm rests with gold or silver foil / paper. Use plastic gems (from craft store), old jewelry, Christmas garland to give it that "special look". Simply wear a cape of a royal color (velvet looks great). Scepters and crowns can be purchased at most retail stores, or make your own! If an attendant will be going, they may dress as the mate (King or Queen) or as a court jester. A variation of this would be to dress like Santa and have the attendant be an elf. Skier Skiers
have a bad habit of
falling and breaking a bone or two. This opens the door for a great
Just put on some ski clothing (hat, scarf,...) Wrap a leg in wide white
gauze (to look like cast) and if you really want to "ham it up" and you
use a power chair, wrap an arm too. Ventriloquist
Gift, Jack in a box, or Robot Find a box that will fit conformably over chair (still allowing you room to maneuver inside). Remove top flaps, cut hole in top for head, and in sides for arms. Decorate. For gift box, wrap box in wrapping paper, make a large bow and wear as hat. To be a Jack-in-the-box, paint the box in bright colors, than wear a matching top and hat. Clown make-up will add that little extra. To be a robot, cover box in foil, then use your imagination to decorate. Car, Truck, Space Ship Again using a box (as above) decorate as you favorite vehicle. The space ship can be done much as the robot. This can be real cool costume for high tech power chairs and or using a vent. Make
Your Own Make-up Mix ingredients shortening and cornstarch. Separate the recipe into different cups, add food coloring. Wash your face and any area that you will be applying makeup to and than dry thoroughly. Apply a thin coat of cold cream to the entire face. Using a cotton ball, gently pat cornstarch over cold cream. Keep your eyes closed. Apply
make-up with fingers
tips. Others
web sites with great ideas: Berkely Parents Network - A pretty cool list of other costume ideas. Halloween
Express - Lot's of unique costumes, ready made Family
Prod - While the text of this site is written in French, it offers
some great ideas. One of the great things about pictures.. a picture is
worth a 1,000 words. ;-) |